Did you know?

We use market-leading technology to ensure we can process claims and make payments as fast as possible

Hi! I'm Mandy...

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I know how easy it is to feel lost in the system. The complexity of navigating the NDIS can be overwhelming when as a participant or carer - or both - we already have so much on our plate. So we need to build a team around us who understand and support us in the way we want to be supported.

Who can fill the gaps and know 'all the things' so we don't have to? Who can dot the 'i's and cross the 't's so we don't have to? The plan management support should be making our lives easier.... right?

My first experience as a plan-managed participant, and mum of children who are also participants, was not good. In fact, it was horrible. I knew it wasn't supposed to be, but every time I thought I had fixed a problem, something else would go wrong.

I was exhausted and scrambling to keep on top of all of the things I was following up, things that were supposed to be done by our Plan Manager. I wondered how on earth did parents hold down a full time job whilst trying to manage their children's NDIS plans - it seemed life is busy and I just didn't have the time nor the energy for the ongoing drain and frustration involved.  I reached out to others and heard one horror story after another. A baffling and disheartening reality set in. This was "normal"...

Then one day I reached my limit and thought why am I doing all these things? I'm actually managing the Plan Manager! I'd been following them up and chasing missed payments and sending them reminders for months. I was so used to payments not being made that I found I was tracking whether they had processed my emails or not.  I thought they were supposed to be managing things!

They were weeks behind - and after almost two years of managing all the NDIS plans in our household, they still didn't know we were all related, nor who we were, and I had to explain it every time I called to follow something else up. I never got to speak to the same person.  I was so frustrated and over it, and horrified at the thought of how many others might be going through the same experience. I knew that there had to be a better way.

It turns out there is.

And so I decided to build it.

Drum roll please..... Introducing The Plan Experts!  We are now open and taking new clients!

I built The Plan Experts to offer an alternative to the Plan Management status quo - we're not here to tick boxes, pay invoices and file paperwork - (well we are, but that's not all, I promise!) We are here to build relationships, get to know you and truly change lives for the better. The Plan Experts is built around a deep understanding, lived experience, and my burning desire to improve the lives of others.

I spent many years working in the corporate world, being told I care too much. It turns out that is exactly why I'm here.   It's because I care so much that I see the bigger picture, and it's because I care so much that I'm good at what I do.

I'm not a number in a queue, I'm not a service ticket - I'm a person. So are you. And every person has a story, has unique needs, and unique goals.  I'm here to help you achieve yours.

I'm heart-led, not dollar-driven - and that's why The Plan Experts has been built around the needs of the participant.

Because that's what matters most.

As a Plan Manager, my role is so much more than managing NDIS plans, invoices and payments. Our role is to unlock each plan’s potential and empower people to live their best life.

I’d love to work with you. I'm here to answer any questions you may have, so please reach out if you'd like to chat! Otherwise let's get started! Click the link below to sign up online in just a few minutes.


Looking forward to meeting you soon!


Got a question for Mandy?

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Lean on the experts in Plan Management

Sometimes it can feel like you're swimming against the tide, navigating the NDIS is a constant challenge. It can be confusing, frustrating and overwhelming - but it doesn't have to be that way. That's where we come in!

We have a love for gathering knowledge on all there is to know about NDIS rules and regulations, the ins and outs of claiming and the A-Z of Plan Management. We strive to be the experts, so you don’t have to!


The Plan Experts (TPE) is the Plan Manager you’ve been looking for.  Simply, we get it!  We bring expertise through lived experience as NDIS participants and carers – and we know that choosing partners who lack this insight can be an obstacle to being truly understood, and ultimately getting the help you need.


Join our NDIS community and let's work together - we'd love to help you!


We are genuine.

We care deeply, and we listen.

You can count on us.

We're on your team

The Plan Experts has been built around the needs of participants

Because that's what matters most

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Why choose The Plan Experts?

At TPE, we work hard to provide you with personalised support and advice, to ensure you maximise the benefits of your funding as you work toward achieving your goals

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Got an idea that you think fits with your goals and is reasonable and necessary? Some Plan Managers are quick to say no without taking the time to investigate further.

At TPE we work with you to explore all the possibilities – we put in the extra effort to make things happen.  If there’s a way to make something happen, you can be sure we’ll find it.


Sign up online in just a few minutes

Complete our online sign up form and we will get to work!

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Our Mission

We didn't open our doors to do the same thing as everyone else. We want to challenge the status quo and find new, improved ways of doing things. We are here to inspire change which enables people to be seen as equal - with or without disability


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Our Vision

The Plan Experts exists to ensure every person has the support they want and need, to live a healthier, happier life


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Our Values

Our participants and their support networks are at the heart of everything we do.  Our values shine a light on how we go about our work to improve the lives of people with disability

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Our Values


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Get in touch with one of our friendly team via phone, SMS, email or the online contact form and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you have!



PO Box 58,  HAPPY VALLEY SA  5159

19/183 Tynte Street, NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006


0411 711 080

08 8322 2121








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