The Plan Experts - Policies

Providers who deliver supports and services under the NDIS must operate and comply with relevant Australian laws, rules and regulations, - including the NDIS Code of Conduct and the NDIS Practice Standards


Feedback & Complaints

The Plan Experts actively seeks the input of clients and the broader community to provide feedback.  Please consider providing feedback to help us continuously improve the service we provide.

We really want to hear what you have to say; whether it's to tell us you're not happy with the service you're getting, or if you have ideas about how we can be better at what we do.  You can let us know about your feedback directly, or someone can talk to us on your behalf.

Click on the link below to visit the Feedback and Complaints page:



Mandatory Reporting

The Plan Experts has a Policy in place where reporting to the NDIS Commission is required in circumstances of Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation or Discrimination occur. This includes Financial abuse.

Further information can be found here:   

We care about your privacy and rights

Privacy Policy

This policy sets out how we collect and manage personal and sensitive information

The Plan Experts (TPE) is committed to protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals. In line with our values, TPE respects and upholds an individual’s rights of personal and sensitive information it collects, holds and administers in the process of providing its services. This policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and manage your personal and sensitive information. These commitments are undertaken to comply with Australia Privacy Principles (APPS) prescribed in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth).



This policy ensures we protect and handle personal information in accordance with the NDIS and relevant privacy legislation.

We acknowledge an individual’s right to privacy while recognising that personal information is required to be collected, maintained and administered in order to provide a safe working environment and a high standard of quality.

The information we collect is used to provide services to participants in a safe and healthy environment with individual requirements, to meet duty of care obligations, to initiate appropriate referrals, and to conduct business activities to support those services.




Applies to all personal information and sensitive personal information including the personal information of employees and participants

Applies to all company confidential information - that is, any information not publicly available.


Applies to all representatives including key management personnel, directors, full-time workers, part-time workers, casual workers, contractors and volunteers.



To support the privacy and confidentiality of individuals: 

-  We are committed to complying with the privacy requirements of the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles and for Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) as required by organisations providing disability services

 -  We are fully committed to complying with the consent requirements of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and relevant state or territory requirements

-  We provide all individuals with access to information about the privacy of their personal information

-  Every individual has the right to opt out of consenting to and providing their personal details if they wish

-  Individuals have the right to request access to their personal records by requesting this with their contact person

 -  Where we are required to report to government funding bodies, information provided is non-identifiable and related to services and support hours provided, age, disability, language, and nationality

-  Personal information will only be used by us and will not be shared outside the organisation without your permission unless required by law (e.g. reporting assault, abuse, neglect, or where a court order is issued)

-  Images or video footage of participants will not be used without their consent

-  Participants have the option of being involved in external NDIS audits if they wish



To keep information secure:

-  We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold against misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure 

-  Personal information is accessible to the participant and is accessible only by relevant workers

-  Security for personal information includes password protection for IT systems, locked filing cabinets and physical access restrictions with only authorised personnel permitted access


Intellectual Property

Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd is the registered or common law owner of the following trademark and all associated intellectual property rights.

No copying, modification or distribution of this mark is permitted without the prior consent of Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd. Nothing on this website may be construed as granting to any user any licence whatsoever with respect to the intellectual property appearing on this website.

Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd makes no representations or warranties that the use of this website or the information contained herein will not infringe any person's intellectual property rights.

Use of this website


The information in this website is supplied on condition that you will make your own determination as to the accuracy and usefulness of the information.

Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd reserves the right to make any changes to the information contained in and the layout of this website, including changes to its services.

Except with respect to implied warranties that cannot be excluded by law, Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, suitability for any purpose, merchantability of, title to or usefulness of the information on and contents of this website or the services it offers.

Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd will not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or damages for loss of profits, revenue or loss of use) arising out of or relating to this website or the information contained therein or the services it offers whether such damages arise in contract, in tort, in equity, under statute, at law or otherwise.

Easy Plan Management Pty Ltd does not accept any liability for any delays, interruptions or errors of omissions (however occurring) in collecting, recording, processing, storing or disseminating information contained on this website.